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And that is that....My Review From the 2018 CrossFit Open Season

What once began only 5 weeks ago comes to an end today...the 2018 CrossFit Open season. And what a season it was. Not only did the workouts included movements that I don't normally do on an every workout basis, but it was also the first time that I was able to immerse myself in the judging aspect of the open this year. Having been apart of previous opens, this one taught me more about myself and being able to push myself in order to better myself (both mentally and physically).

The mental aspect of CrossFit is something that always strikes me as the "What the f$%& just happened" part. But it was even more on display this year because I was recovering from a very emotional period of my life last year. Having gone through a bad breakup and trying to get back into something I loved so much, I was not able to perform at the top of my level that I was used to in last years open thus resulting in my decline of fitness. This year I had to mentally prep myself to push aside last year's open and focus on getting better for this years open. And what an improvement it had on me. I was able to push aside all of that bullshit from last year and push myself to a whole different level. In the previous opens I would have never imagined myself doing an open workout twice, or even three times. I pushed myself to do repeat workouts because I wanted to push myself to beat that previous score because I knew in me that I could do better. Not only did I do that, but I was able to beat my previous workout scores and thus increase my points. Then there was the physical part of this years open.

The physical part allowed myself to see where I am this year as opposed to last year. I have been pushing myself to get better at every single movement available. Whether that is my clean and jerks to push-presses, I wanted to make sure that not only were my movements flawless, but that I was able to conduct these movements with great form and thus allowing to add on heavier weights. I feel myself getting stronger every single damn day and I am so excited to see what is going to be possible for myself in the future.

This years open was also different for on a personal level. I left one gym in order to join a whole new box. This brought about changes in culture, being able to get to know new people, but also having to travel a little bit further in order to get my workout in. That was really nothing on top of what I was expecting. I got to meet one of the greatest people in my life, my best friend, and my soul-mate. Crossfit has allowed me to get to know new people and it just so happened that it also granted me the ability to meet my fiancée and future wife. After having gone through such an emotional period of my life the year before someone was clearly looking out for me and has my made Crossfit that much more of a passion for me. 

Until my next blog post, enjoy this perspective on my life. I promise to write future content on design and such, but for now I am just going to write about whatever I have a passion in life for.